Healthwise L-Phenylalanine 60g

Healthwise L-Phenylalanine 60g

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60g Powder

HealthWise® L-Phenylalanine is 100% pure pharmaceutical grade amino acid powder.

Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid which is highly concentrated in the human brain and plasma. Phenylalanine is a precursor for tyrosine and these two amino acids are used by the brain to manufacture neurotransmitters.

The great uplifter!

Tofu and tempeh can provide up to 2.5g of phenylalanine per 200 calorie per serve.


ž   100% pure powder.

ž   Pharmaceutical grade.

ž   Packed without fillers or flowing agents.

ž   Vegan friendly.

ž   Gluten free.

ž   Dairy free.

HealthWise® Amino Powders are pure pharmaceutical grade powders and are packed by weight not volume, without the use of fillers or flowing agents. Some of the powders are slightly hygroscopic (retain moisture) and this can result in clumping. This can be broken apart with a spoon before taking or dissolved in water.


ž   Up to 1g away from food.

ž   Tips: L-Phenylalanine is best taken on an empty stomach with water or juice about an hour before meals. Phenylalanine is one of the most unstable amino acid when other amino acids are present.


ž   This product is sold as a food only.

ž   For specific conditions, please consult your healthcare professional.